Carlos Fitzsimons studied Biochemistry and Pharmacy and obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. After a postdoctoral experience at the Leiden-Amsterdam Center for Drug Research (now Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research), aimed to study the cognitive consequences of gene knockdown using RNA interference, Carlos joined the Neuroscience Program at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Amsterdam as Assistant professor in 2010, within the group Structural and Functional Plasticity of the Nervous System. He became a Faculty Staff member in 2013.
Since then the Fitzsimons Lab has been financed by the Innovational Research Incentive Scheme VIDI from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the International Foundation for Alzheimer's Research (ISAO) and Alzheimer Nederland and by ERA-NET NEURON. The Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research (NEURON) is a European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) co-funded by the European Commission that supports basic, clinical and translational research in the field of disease-related neuroscience. As a co-fund, this ERA-NET NEURON project receives local financial support from NWO/ZonMw, Hersenstichting Nederland, the National Initiative Brain and Cognition and is part of the Topsector Life Sciences & Health program.
Every year several students join the lab to work with us. Their work is invaluable to us, and through the years many of them have contributed to our publications.
We are proud to say that most of them have found a place to continue their scientific careers in different labs around the world. Proud of all of you, guys!
2022 was the year to go back to scientific meetings in person. Happy faces!


2020 was not like any other year. Our group photo is quite a sign of the times, but it shows that life (and science) continues, no matter what.
